Before I had my Melon....

We could still share 1 Sofa ....

Still the shortest among all but there was no tummy...

We could still stay out late.... and be crazy wanna be students...
NOW.... I look more like a SEALION...

Check out the melon in me....

Yes, I m out of shape.... this was taken 3 months ago... can imagine how big my Melon has develop since....
I am very happy that I finally hv this precious melon... it was not easy, bei and I planned it almost for 1 year and before we gave up... GOD gave us this melon seed... *winks* a melon that is a WELCOME to the family :)
Questions I always ask Ah bei:
1: Bei, I love you... do you love me? Can U say "I Love you to me everyday" (I always have this silly tots of... "wat if this is the last chance u can say "I Love you" to your spouse?)
WHEN WAS YOUR LAST TIME U said "I LOVE U" to your hubby? (me... EVERYDAY=)
2: Bei, if baby is out hor... I am still your number 1 leh... baby comes number 2...
(Bei ask me few days ago... "Ur daddy number 1 or I number 1?... hmm... of cos daddy la, he is my daddy and i love him alot leh...then u comes number 1.1 lah... cos i love u also!!! "Bei: OK, then u are my number 2 also!!!!" ..... Me: " NO!!!! Cannot, ok i give u number 0.9 then my dad comes number 1... u are 1 decimal point more than my daddy ok...") That's how silly I can be...
3: Bei, do i look sexy? U still like my sexy melon body? (Hahaha... )
4: Bei, I can see my own toes and also my little friend... can u help me to check if they are ok? (I even hv problem cutting my own toe nails... haha... )
5: Will I still have bird nest to drink every week after I gave birth? (Bei answered: Yes another type of bird nest is whiter but i need your help!! Hahaha... )
I really felt like a princess with melon at this moment of my life.... and i rank my ah bei 10 over 10 FULL MARKS for begin a SUPER nice hubby and melon to be daddy...
I XOXO you so much ah bei :O)..
I will marry u over and over again each day....