Sunday, November 8, 2009

4 days or 9 days to seeing LUCAS

4 Days
Means 12 Nov 2009 or 13 Nov 2009
If blood pressure still high
9 Days
Means 17 Nov 2009 (10days before my actual EDD 27 Nov)
If blood pressure goes back to normal

Mummy & Daddy wants to see u so much but not so soon cos we want you to grow bigger and stronger ! Mummy legs and hands are so swollen and numb, can hardly feel painful now cos is too numb.... Daddy still helping mummy to massage legs and hands every night. Now Daddy is SICK and not well... Daddy never likes to see doctor but because of ur arrival he force himself to see doctor and get recover soon! Daddy & mummy cant wait to hug Lucas in his arms :) Lucas pls eat more nutrients from mummy so u will grow bigger and stronger :) God and all the angels is with u and u will be a happy healthy baby :O) Pray that u will like mummies breast milk and mummy will produce more than enough for u so u can beef up when u are out... mummy saw Wendy baby Ethan today at church, he is so chubby and adorable... mummy hope u will be so chubby and adorable too :)


1 comment:

Tam said...

hey dear...take good care ok! will be praying for you guys! JIAYOU! keep me in the loop...hugs!