Friday, October 23, 2009

FRIDAY at last... 25 days to seeing Lucas :)


Is Friday at last, can spend time with bei doing up Lucas bedroom again...

YES, we have painted Lucas room from pink to BLUE and drew 6 sheep on the wall.... will show u guys the pictures when i download it :O) guess lucas will love his bedroom that mummy and daddy painted :O)
Will see Lucas in 25days... WAH SO FAST....

is 6pm now and bei is coming to fetch his fat clumpsy wife... Cant wait to see ah bei in 10mins...

Will update again soon....


a portion of me said...

Hey! I will be back in 26 days time! I can visit u! Which hospital? Facebook mail me!

Sally + Andy= SANDY said...

I will be at Mount elizabeth on 17 Nov (for 3 to 4 days)... come if u r free :O) I facebook u oredy :O)