Wednesday, October 28, 2009


20days before seeing my small TAN...

I am getting so impatient yet alittle mixed feeling I dont want small tan to come so soon.... I think i will miss spending QUALITY TIME with Big Tan....

if only my stomach has a zipper and I can place small tan in and out of my stomach ... THAT WILL BE SO GREAT!

RULES: Small tan in another room and Me and Big Tan in our own bedroom
pls pls pls... let this happen and i pray hard small tan can cope well in his own bedroom :) havent manage to get my baby monitor yet and wonder if which brand shld i buy still.... counting down 20days seems really fast and i seems prepared yet so not prepare! haiz, hiak hiak... i am starting to worry and get stressed up and panic!

Ok, got to stop here, Lucas is sitting on my pee bag again... Need to pee now... i am like running to toilet every 1 to 30mins... hate peeing at times...

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