Monday, October 5, 2009

43 days to seeing Lucas

Mummy Me
I am 55kg already!
I am so fat
Legs started to swell already
no special cravings
Feel thristy always
Hving difficulties breathing well (especially lying down)

He is 68kg or 70kg
A hardworking MAN @ work + A GREAT houseHuSbANd
Lotsa Cravings (seems like pregnant!)
getting fatter too...
Always has to listen to mummy's nonsense

He is only 1.7kg
Growing bigger and stronger
Kicking mummy alot
Dont like mummy to sleep on her back
Used to like mummy sleeping on left but now seems like right side is better

SnowBall and Miki
Mummy has no time for us now :(
Miki: getting so skinny and hving skin problem
Snowball: forever cant aim his pee pee well at the newspaper & always get beaten by daddy for that:(

Momo, pepper, sugar (bei and my favourite teddy bearS)
Getting so smelly and dirty...
Daddy and mummy cant sleep without US...

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