Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ah bei is Sick

Ah bei has been coughing so badly at night... raffles medical medicine did not work for him, he told me he needs stronger medicine. Bei and family only likes to go Dr Tan at AMK.... wonder if is really Dr Tan medicine that works or is the mind set that Dr Tan can cure him... hahaha... maybe bei should tell Insight to include Dr Tan under their panel of their company's doctor...

I was sick few weeks back, hving fever ... flu and cough... and now is ah bei turn... haiz, the weather is terrible...

So used to aircon after I am preggy, i suggested to bei that we should off aircon to sleep last night since he is sick and is not good to have aircon.... slept at 9plus without aircon, i woke up at 12mn ALL WET and smelly... could easily scoop my sweat out in between my boobs and my melon... WOKE bei up forgetting that he is sick... haha... ended up with aircon till 7am!!!
Haha, he always pretend to be sick so that he can take my drowsy medicine whenever i am sick..

Sal: B, why u are not going up to sleep yet....

Ah bei: I need to drink water, u go up to sleep 1st since u are sick...

Sal: Ok, u come up quick after u are done ok....

Ah bei: **grin** Ok, in awhile... (as i am walking up to the bedroom, bei will take my flu medicine)

(After 10mins...)

Ah bei: Ehh... u not drowsy ah? (bei's eyes getting smaller... and he smile)

Sal: Ooi... u eat my medicine again AH?

Ah bei: No la.... i feel abit flu also.... (smiling away...)

Sal: Kns....

but now he is really sick and the medicine is not working on him... Insight has made him work too hard... reportSsss after reportsSsss... guess is also the late night work that cause him to fall sick... I am so proud of u, ah bei... JIAYOU ba, Lucas will be proud of u too....

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