Monday, September 28, 2009

50 days to 17 Nov 2009

50 days more...... We will see Lucas SOON :)

Lucas will be added to Happy World of SANDIES....

Having lotsa mixed feelings, alittle anxious... alittle worried.... alittle scare (operation).... lotsa wondering (How Lucas look like?)...

Have i prepare myself? Have Ah bei prepare himself? We are going to be mummy and daddy... we are both 30 years old but seems like we just got married and still enjoying life together... Lucas will be a added JOY to US... hahaha.... okie he will be something new to me and Ah bei... what if we cant handle Lucas? hmmm.... nah, WE CAN HANDLE LUCAS... cos Lucas is going to be very very good good BOY... hehehe...

Things not done:
1) I havent pack my bag for my delivery
2) I havent wash Lucas clothing...
3) I havent pack Lucas baby stuff...
4) I havent read up enuff abt how to handle baby
5) I hv no idea how breast feeding is like....
6) I hv no idea who can help me after 4 months of maternity leave...
7) I hv not got anything for my 1 month confinement
8) ....... many many more....

I am a confuse mummy.... is all 1st timer mummy like me?

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