Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nanny means $$$

Haiz, still sourcing badly for nanny...

Called a nanny just now just so nice she stays opp my block BUT....

  1. I need her in feb and her grandchild is out by april... My question is what if both baby cry? she will definitely attend to her grandchild 1st and not my Lucas....
  2. she talks abt $$$ ... says i got to pay her $600 per mth but once Lucas reach 9mths $$ must top up cos of eating solid food.... My question again, how do i noe if my $$ goes to buying lucas food or her grandchild's food?
  3. Can she manage both babies?

Guess this nanny above is not an option again :(


a portion of me said...

Hey u know my LAO GONG hor, is taken care by Nanny last time. He told me he ended up taking care of her NANNY'S grandchildren and change nappies for them! u must really consider and choose the right nanny. How about your parents?

Sally + Andy= SANDY said...

My mum and dad are separated ma... and mum taking care of my sis baby so no time for mine and plus i cant afford to pay my mum (she demands for quite alot)... my mum in law taking care of 4 kids (andy's sister) + my father in law (ganna stoke recently).. so i am left with no help... rather sad but nvm... we will survive with Lucas... hehe