Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Excitement? Not so.... but worries....

Nanny or Maid? Some question that I am still asking myself? Haiz.... i hate the feeling of asking ard and getting many scary stories abt nanny and maid....

There is so many "IF ONLY" ideas in mind:

  • "IF ONLY" i dun hv to work and can take care of Lucas
  • "IF ONLY" my mum can help
  • "IF ONLY" bei's mum can help
  • "IF ONLY" baby dont cry and i can bring him to work
  • "IF ONLY" Lucas is pocket size I can pack him in pocket anywhere i go
  • "IF ONLY" there is no worries.....

Days are getting closer and I hv no single idea what is like when Lucas is born and if I can manage Lucas and after maternity how and who can help to look after lucas....
Excited or not? Guess I am more worried than excited now.... GOD, take away all my worries and send me guardian angel to help out all my worries....
I was chatting with Bei few days back and was saying.... must save more money, when is still just 2 of us only.. no money can still anyhow eat and stay home dun spend money.... BUT when Lucas comes along.... he hungry means must drink and eat and "IF" he is unwell means must see doctor and the PD is more expensive than adult doctor... the more i think of it the more worries I have now....


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