Monday, June 22, 2009

Please Help Feisty Princess Charmaine

Saw this in facebook and my heart sanked.... This little princess Charmaine is only 3years plus and she has been diagnosed with neuroblastoma (4th stage Cancer)... at her age i guess i was running around knowing nothing about what is cancer and what is pain and suffering... there are so much blessing in life that we never know how to cherish and appreciate....

See how pretty and cheerful this little gal is... Why could this happen to such sweet little ones.... go to her blog directly

When you are at her blog, there are pictures of her after having the chemo and she is still looking so strong and cheerful... doctor has to provide her with morphine to reduce her pain.... even i dont really know her personally, but from the picture you can tell that she is really a brave strong gal.... she was breathing thru a oxygen mask and she even request to have a picture taken with the mask.... i am so proud of you, little Charmaine.... I know God will be there for you :O)

"I pray that Daddy in heaven will take away this terrible monster from this brave strong gal... I pray for strength and painless therapy.. i pray for recovery for little charmaine.... pls heal this little gal and send all your pretty caring angel to her every moment to keep her well again... I pray that charmaine mummy will be strong and have no worries financially.... I pray for help from every source and by word of mouth..... i pray that Charmaine will fight this monster and be up again like any other children in the world.... Amen"

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