Thursday, August 23, 2007

Story of thunder thighs

New discovery of Thunder thighs in SG...

I am so sorry i just couldnt help but took this pixs from pearlyn blog (btw, pearlyn is thunder thighs's gf and wifey to be)

See, look at the difference btw the legs.... dont blame me i really cant help myself but talk about this picture....

"THUNDER THIGHS" are a fat girls thighs that are so humoungous, big & fat that they clap together when they walk. This produces a loud noise which goes like "SLAP, SLAP, SLAP" , hence the "thunder" part of the word.

That was in the urban dictionary of how they decribe a girl with thunder thighs... hmmm but this person i am toking about is not a "she" but a "he"... standing tall at the height (smsing him to check out his height, and he really reply me.... hahaa....) of 1.84m and looking ok lah not bad.... and has got a good voice (Claimed by his gf, that's how he caught pearlyn's attention)SO God is really fair...

hahaha.... Forgive me cos i didnt named who u r.... (Pls forgive me for writing this... really cant help myself by to write about u...)

But i guess you guys will know... hahahaha....

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