ThIs wAs tHe 1st TimE I PRaY like Never befOre.... OtheR than GOD I guess Heli is the nexT pErson That hAve heard ME praY aLOUd so maNy TimEs.... Hehe... ActUally PrAyinG is qUitE siMple I GueSs is juSt that My Ang Mo Not Very "PoWdErFUL" tHaT's Why alwaYs Can"t PraY sMooThly PluS if MaNy pEOpleis around me then is even MoRe "HoRRibLE"... SomeTimeS I thInk I am NoT suRe What I am taLking about AlsO... SaD for People who is PrAying TogetHer with Me... HAha....
My vEry 1sT timE herE for "the DAY oF His PoWer" wondEr Y the ThemE foR thIs eVeNt is sO ColOURFulllllllll.... (see the pixs at the Tope lEfT)...
AfTer the EnD of this EvenT...
Guess What.... Haha.... we head DowN tO GeyLang AGAIN (YeS, is AgaIn..... ) for FroGGy Porriage AGAIN... Let U see the End ProDucT... Haha...
and gUess whAt we discover in TaBiTa SisTer's BaG (aka VinITa) hahaa... the "Ta FamIlY"
Yes, yoU arE RiGht is a roTTEn BanaNa... with alL the BaNana JuICE smaSh in ViNiTa's Bag (... TabiTa's SiSter)...
Her FrieNd paSs hEr 1 BaNanA in tHe DaY and Not KnOwing how tO sAy "No" She accEpted A FRESH PiECe oF BaNaNa and Ended Up HeR BAg goT to SuFFEr....
GuEss TaBiTa dIdn'T TaughT Her SiSter Hygiene..... Hahahaa.......
SomE BeAutiFul CrEw MemberS for My CoLouRfUL StoRy....
BanAna ViNiTa, QuEk QuEk and BabE and TabiTa(ViNita's Sister) & Heli.........
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