Sunday, August 19, 2007

Cell Bonding at housefly place on 14 Aug 2007

Wendy's Cell Bonding (Sure or not... i guess is cell makan session...)
**SeriousLy, we are always eating by age 40 we will all become ah pui***

1) TaBiTa (SeriousLy i am stILL not VerY sure if Her name is really speLLEd this Way.... haha)
2) MelVin Gan (Hmm... worKing loH)

LatE ComErs
1) VinitA (What else.... Class loH)

SpeCiaL guest
1) AuDreY Lu (Hmm... she is OURS... hehehe...)

And guess wat.... rijIA is here with us today...

Finally wendy's ceLL (the 'Tu" cell) come up witH a namE for our HousE caLL the HouSefly (InstEad of DragOnFly the haPpenIng plAce where Vinita's heAd Starts to go left and riGht)...

In any case everyone is suppose to come up with a dish each.... so let's see what's on the list:

Wow... didnt know we have so much food....

DIsh 1
Chef: Andy Quek and Pearlyn (actually cooked by Quek's Mum)
Name of Dish: Porky Pig with Dark Sauce

dISh 2
Chef: WendY (Real chef>>> Wendy's maid)
NaMe of DiSh: LoTUs RootS with PorkY Pig ba ku

Chef: WendY (Real chef>>> Wendy's maid)
NaMe of DiSh: unDer the Sea of Hei

CheF: ShAwn & HuilInG
NamE of DiSh: eiGht TreasurE of The Red Sea Yum Yum

CheF: My AH Bei
NAmE of DiSh: CuCumBer FisHy SpeciAL Wee Woo Wee

CheF: Me Me Me....
NAmE of DiSh: TouCh me Not Top SheLL Fav

CheF: Me Me Me....
NAmE of DiSh: Happy Anyhow CHA ChAr Bee HoOn

CheF: Me Me Me....
NAmE of DiSh: Hot Sea LA La Spice Me Up

CheF: RijIa
NAmE of DiSh: BubblEs coloUr JiA Jia's Life

SO TeLL Me How Not to be FAT in this CeLL?? Always eating..

Miin and Quan... you guys got to come back soon to share our load.... Help, I am going to be fat short sal:)

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