$2 or $3??
Tao Ge?? Ba?? Hei??
To named them..... they are....
- HanDsoMe aMpLiFieR + MiCroPhonE & PrETTy Lao Si >>>> HuilIng >>>> ShAwN EnG (NoW I fouNd Their Pixs courtesy from Pearlyn Blog.. ahhahaa
- Lastly my all Time FavouritE Ah BeI.....
nOt So SecreT AfTer aLL recipe.....
all you need to buy is:
- PrAwns (GrEy OnEs Will Be GreAt) >> Note: Keep the sheLLs for the soup
- PoRky PiG Ribs
- YellOw Mee
- ThInk FaT BeeHoon
- Ikan Bilis CubEs
- Ikan Bilis
- Ground ChillS (ChILLi PoWDer)
- OystEr SauceS
- RoCk SuGaR (YeLLow onEs)
- Cut ChiLLi PaDi
- Garlic (Cut into small pieces)
hOw to AnyHow CooK:
Fry GarLic (OredY cut) with SesaMe Oil until goldeN BrOwn.... Add in The PrawNs SheLL and PoRkY Pig Ribs to Fry UntiL NiCe Nice (Abt 8mins) then Add Ikan Bilis and Ikan Cube fry again.... Then add chilli Padi... OystEr Sauce..... fry again.... Then now add wateR(How much depends you want to cook for how many pax lo... but the more water you add u will hv to increase the ingredient... soup should be sliGhtly Brown.... (Want it darker then Add Soya Sauce).... Now add more Chilli PoWdEr as u like.... Pepper Will be GreAt too.... watever Nice Sauce u may finD in yoUr Fridge Just add Lah.... Hahaha... (But i am seriouS... this is What I Did... )
Now Soup is Done let it boil with Small HeAt..... the longer u boil the nicer the Soup will be....
When Serving....
aSk your cusTomer they want $2 or $3 then cook the yeLLow Mee and BeeHoon in BOilLing WatEr.... same goes to the prawNs (Cook the PrawNs only when u have Customer).... You may wish to add Fish BaLLS.... Veg..... CraB StiCk... HotDoGs... watever again you find in Ur FrIdGe... JuST add in to MaKe the PrAwN Mee TaSTe GREAT.....
Once everythign is doNe.... Get ur CuStomer to WasH the Plates Pls.... haha....
These are lightings not stars...
1 comment:
Wah I wanna try this recipe. Thanks Sally. But must substitute the Porky Pig with maybe Chicky Chick. hehe
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