It was really so sweet that the files keep coming even when i was trying to post up this blog... haha...
The ingreDieNts:
1 & 1/2 Cup butter
2 & 1/3 Cup Sugar
7 eggs (separate white and yolks)
4 & 1/4 Cups Cake flour
3/4 teaspoon Salt
2 & 1/2 Teaspoon baking powDer
1 & 3/4 Cup milk (HL will be good)
1 & 1/2 teaspoon Strawberry vanilla extract
1 big bottle of nutella
1 big pack of m&m (250g)
1 box of strawberries
1. PreheAt the Oven to 190 degree C; grease pans for baking with butter and flour
2. Sift FloUr ; ReshifT with Salt & BakIng PowDeR
3. Melt butter in hot pan
3. bEat Egg White and SugAr until thiCk and FluFFY; approximately 5 mins until edd white turn very white and pAle and u may try to turn the bowl upside Down and the mixture will still stay in place (then add butter, Strawberry vanilla extract and HL milk and egg yolk)continue to beaT until it blend well.
4. FoLDed Sifted FlouR together with the cream mixture
5. Pour batter into the grease pan
6. bake for 25 to 30mins (may use satay stick to poke if cake is cooked; mixture shouldnt be sticking on the satay stick)cool down pans for 10mins and you may start decorating cakes with natella and stuff...
Nice job done.... was really fun baking cake.... oops i mean helping out to bake cake with the main chef.... haha.... enjoy the work done.... so proud of this beautiful cake....
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