This is my favOurite lOve sOng + mOvie... I am a fAn of drew berrymOre and AdAm SaNdler
This is the lAst scene when Adam Sandler sang "Grow Old With yoU" to Drew BerrymOre... So tOuching... Hmmm wonder when will my Ah Bei dO that fOr me...
Musical: Wedding Singer
Song: Grow Old With You
I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you.
I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches.
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growin old with you.
I'll miss you, kiss you, give you my coat when you are cold.
Need you, feed you, and even let you hold the remote control.
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink.
Oh I could be the man who grows old with you.
I'll miss you, kiss you, take your shoes off and rub your feet.
Need you, feed you, and when we play checkers i'll let you cheat.
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink.
Oh I could be the one who grows old with you.
I wanna grow old with you.
this is my Ah bei that I want To Grow old with.... be it good or bad... the day when i sign on the dotted line i gave my whole life to ah bei.... and i wish he could think this way too...
So FaR i don't thInk Ah My bei have read my blOg yet... this blog becomes my daily (try to as much as possible) focus that i enJoY gOing it... enjoy writing here and sharing things i like here... blog really makes people happy... but again i guess is base on individual... i choose to agree with Huiling that i should only blog happy moments and not use blog to vent all my anger... makes me a happlier person now...
Bei ah, when will u read my blOg??? mAybe it miGht be reALLy gOOd if dOn't see eaCh other So oFten (absence makes the heart grow fonders)... I hAve bEEn too Sticky tO yOu and i make yOu my whOle wOrld and i surrOund juSt u in my liFe... i AppreciaTe thaT U gave in to me for A ChUrch weddIng and the mOst happy thing AbOut our marriage is that there was GOD in this Marriage... I want and I wish that both of us will keeP the weDDIng Vows closed to our hearts...
Do you Andy Tan Ai Boon, take this woman Sally Ong Lay Hong to be your lawful wedded wife and live with her according to God’s commandments so long as you both shall live?
Groom: Yes, I do.
Do you Sally Ong Lay Hong, take this man Andy Tan Ai Boon to be your lawful wedded husband and live with him according to God’s commandments so long as you both shall live.
Bride: Yes, I do.
Wedding Vows from Groom to Bride
I, Andy Tan Ai Boon, take you, Sally Ong Lay Hong, to be my wife, knowing in my heart that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one true love. On this special and holy day, I affirm to you in the presence of God and all these witnesses my pledge to stay by your side as your faithful husband in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as through the good times and the bad. I promise to love you without reservation, honor and respect you, provide for your needs as best as I can, protect you from harm, comfort you in times of distress, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live.
Wedding Vows from Bride to Groom
I, Sally Ong Lay Hong, take you, Andy Tan Ai Boon, to be my husband, secure in the knowledge that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one true love. On this special and holy day, I affirm to you in the presence of God and all these witnesses my pledge to stay by your side as your faithful wife in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as through the good times and the bad. I promise to submit and to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve all of your goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live.
Bei ah, I really want to grow Old With You....
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