Sunday, October 21, 2007

Why Do people Cry and What is really promises?

Why do people cry:

1) It could be Disappointment
2) Or it could be tired of Waiting
3) maybe could be loneliness
4) or is rather because we 1st love...
5) not knowing is right or wrong...

What is really a promise?
1) a Broken promise ALWAYS..... a promise that never met.... a promise that wasnt meant to be.... a promise jus to pacify..... a promise that doesnt comes with a trust....

When can we really give a promise and keep to it? Are Promises meant to be broken again and again? Why people jus dont realise how much hurt it may cause to the recipient....

It mAtters Alot... if you dont realise its hurts....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.