Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My 2nd SistEr Bday... 6 Oct 2007

Happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you.... happy birthday happy birthday.. happy birthday to you..... Monica is 31 this year....
Birthday girl.... ehh... i mean birthday aunty monica.... my ah pui sister... that's wat i call her at times.... to motivate her to quickly slim down and she is working on it okie.... i help her oso.... keke by cooking vegetable only for her and help her to eat all the meat... haha....
This noti princess tammy loves cake... haha... next time i know wat to bribe her with liao.... btw, she hates me and she calls me "hiao yi" means Vain aunty and she calls my 2nd sister "pui Yi" means fat aunty.... all thanks to my elder sister.... haha.... she taught her own daughter that!!!! Y tammy hates me so much is becos i BULLY her... haha... she likes to cry alot and i remembered once when she was crying and i pretend to pinched her tiny drumstick thighs... ahhaha... then she cry even louder.... Hahaa..... i know i am evil... haha... jus like to make her cry since she never like to smile... Haha...
Is my Mummy... she is wearing so sexy right... she is always my sexy and hot mummy.... (mummy looks old too... she likes to nag alot, properly i got alittle nagging gong fu from her... now ah bei says i like to nag alot... haha.... but in any case we always nag becos nobody is hearing us correctly that's y we nag lo... right mummy?? keke)
Me and my darling DaddY aka Richard aka Tiger Ong (He always ike to say I am Tiger Ong, U got a problem?) Hahah.... Daddy dotes on me alot.... (this picture is taken so blur... bei buy me a new camera ke yi ma?? ) Haha...
My 2nd sisTer aka Monica (In HoKKien means: Mo Ni Ka ) and My darling Daddy (He look so old liao... I miss Daddy alot)....
Little noti princess tammy (She never smile), daddy Gervin and Ah leng mummy (My eldest sister)....
The Fat and Short Family.... haha... i guess i will become Pui and Short like my family... Soon lah.... give me another 3 years.... Keke....

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