Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Super StAr SnowBaLL

That's my SnOwBaLL...

Really Wish that Someday Ah Bei can get along weLL with SnoWball and Miki... I bought SnowbaLL by myself and this is why i dot on him more than any other dogs that i ever had before... I still remember that i only had not much money left and all i wish is to get a companion and when i saw snowball... my heart just melted... he is just so cute and adorable...
I still remember when i move into a new place with ah bei and ah bei told me that i could bring snowball and miki with me i was so so happy.... but i never tot that they became a pain in ah bei's life...
Ah bei, i know sometimes snowball can be very noti and i am to be blame... cos i didnt toilet train him and now he creates lotsa mess... especially when the whole newpaper is soaked with his and miki's pee and poo... snowball doesnt like to be dirty and that is the reason why he will start barking when he has no place to pee and poo... hmmm... Ah Bei i am really so so happy when you started to sayang snOwbaLL until again SnoWbALL bite you again... Bei ah, i really believe snowbAll love to be sayang by you too... and he wants your love too... bei give them somemore time to be good okie... i really cant let them go just like that....

Dear God,
Please take care of snowBall and miki for me and make snowball and miki a much more lovable family members from now on... Pray thAt God, you may also soften Ah bei's heart and let ah bei shower lOve to these 2 littles ones... Pray that there will be no more fights btw ah bei and the little ones... snowball wont bite my ah bei anymore... but will love and love my ah bei too...
Teach SnowBall and MiKi to pee and poo at the right area and right time.... and snowball and miki will add in joy and fun to this family then a burden now... God, let all your blessings be upon this big family of ours.... Let Snowball and Miki always be our joy in this family...

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