Wednesday, August 15, 2007

CaZ's SmeLLy KittY SaShA.... 12 Aug 2007

The Girl I KnEw for the past 21+ YEaRs

Hmmm... this is not the story of this Gal fren Of minE... but I am ShowIng off Her beloved Cat for her....

This Pix was taken on 12 Aug 2007

My Silly Ah BeI was trying so hard to Aroused SasHa.... poor Cat seems to like it aloT... Haha.... Ah BeI eveN let the Cat Smell his smelly Foot... Oh my God... is terrible.... My galfren will usually hug SasHa and then rub her nose against SaSha.... I wonder if She could SmeLL my Ah Bei's HongKong Foot when she do tHat laTer when we go back home... Hahah.....

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