Wednesday, August 15, 2007

DarRyl & GraCe WeDdinG 11 Aug 2007

DaRRyL & GraCe WeDdinG on 11 Aug 2007

DaRRyl is my Sweet Nice + Lor Soh brOther I got to Know When i was stiLL woRking in InterNatioNal SOs (A Call centre for All the rich and nothIng much to do PeoPle... I mean those who call in not the Ones woRking like dogS for them).... Haha...

Ring Ring... i got a call from DaRRyl few weeks ago...
DaRRyl: hey sal, i am DaRRyl.... will u be free on the 11 Aug (This is always the Tag line when people want to invite you to their wedding)
**oh yes, btw i love Attending WeDDings.... just like to feel the love in the Air again every now and TheN.... I loVe giVing People BlessIngs.... **
SaL: Oh ReALLY... FInallY u are oFF the Shelf.... I am so HappY for U.... I waNT to attend yoUr weDDIng.... for Church and for the evening.... I am very sure I will make Time out for U.... Hehe....
DaRRyl: Thank yoU.... do Sms me your Address... oh btw, how have you beennn..... (Hmm... here comes my Lor Soh Bro agaiN....
Sal: I am good and fine... I am marRied by the wAy... btw go get Busy... we chat When I see u on your big daY.... byebye

anyway, alittle introduction for my nice lor soh brother...
DarryL is close to 40 (bUt hide in a 20+ years old body.... hmmm sounds abit like Heli ) FINALLY he FounD someonE and he is settling Down with her.... and her name is Grace (a very preTTY Taiwanese lady that my bro got to know in church-City harvest)...

On the day on hiS bIg Day 11 Aug 2007 (sat)
GueSs What... their match in song was Sang by DaRRyl.... that's so Sweet... think Grace heart is mealting like never before... wondering if is a lovely surprise for her....
(this is the sweetest and most touched wedding i have ever attend before)

msg of the day for a happy marriage:
ruLe number 1 : Communication
Rule number 2 : Dont let Ur AnGer Go Down with the Sun
Rule NumBer 3: JeSus is the centRe of a happy marriage
Rule number 4 : All Perfect marriage must Have An aGreemeNt
thAt boTh aCcept eaCh oTher with imPeRfectioN
RuLe number 5: Marriage is Made in HeAven and is managed By ImPerFect people

what does WIFE stands for:
W : Wash
I : Iron
F : Food
E : Entertainment

What does HUSBAND Stands for:
(please add a ALWAYS infront)
H: Hungry
U: Urine Anyhow
S : SmeLLY
B : Bad BreAthe
A : act blur
N : NaughTy
D : domineering

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