Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lucas on Solid - Meat

Yes, my melon started his 1st meal (FISH) yesterday at Ah ma's house! Ah Ma prepare "gor hee" fish porriage for Lucas....
At first I was... Huh? He is only 6mths plus leh... why start fish so soon? But anyhow, Lucas started eating and he really loves fish... he glup down the whole bowl of fish porriage!
Andy's mum like to feed Lucas with things I dun think he shld start so soon.... I feel that is difficult communicating to Andy mum things I dun want Lucas to eat or drink or do....

Classic example:
  • when I use to breastfeed Lucas she will tell me is ok to feed FM and also give lotsa water.... I can never convince Ah ma that with breastmilk no water is needed! Haiz.....

haiz... yet still with a thankful heart

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