Was talking to a galfren at work about age and getting old and then how can we stay pretty... and here i go... (realise that I start to grow really old so fast and my skin is not as nice anymore :(
ITEM no 1 : Water Mask from Laneige
(never have i spend so much when i was younger... used to wonder why women can spend $ on such stuff and there is not much result..... NOW, i believe it already, women is just like investment... we have to start young so that there is compounding effect of goodness.... Haha, so hopefully i am not too late.... )
WHY I choose this: Laneign is made for lazy me cos I can simply wear the mask to bed and wake up next day feel great about my lustrously revitalized skin the next day! ... haha... is crap or I am trying to deceived myself...
What LANEIGE says: Water Sleeping Pack Plus penetrates the skin immediately upon application; infusing it with a concentrated supply of moisture while you sleep.
(Haha, ask me again i oso never believe in such stuff till actually now... cos I havent really see the effect on me yet after 1 day of trying it.. Haha... and I went to pharmacy to check it out each pack cost ard $58 and can only last 1mth+.... wah, where on earth this was created? to make us women feel is a must to drink it so as to be beautiful for our hubby to drool and continue to love us and adore us!!!!! )
Why I choose this: CRAP... is free so by choice I just received gracefully from my sweet galfren... hehe.... after this pack if there is result i will still get it lah... but it will really hurt my pocket in order to stay short pretty and attractive for my ah bei (Hey, bei if you are reading pls understand my "Ku Xin" to stay pretty and chio for you.... :O)
What Meiji sayS: Is sugar free and is a type of amino acid that is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Amino Collagen is made from 100% low-molecular fish collagen (collagen peptide),which offers higher levels of absorption than pig-derived collagen and contains only 27 kcal.After purification, the selected ingredient is made into low-molecular collagen through our own enzyme processing. The transparency of the solution proves the purity!
ITEM no 3: BRAND’S® Iron + Vit B Complex with Essence of Chicken
(Hmmm, ok for this i believe alittle cos mummy always say tired drink abit of brand's will be ok liao.... so with that I bought it for my ah bei and at times for myself)
WHY I choose this: Cos is in tablets form and is easy to swollow and doenst taste of smelly chicken... Yucks i hate it when I was younger my mummy will force me to drink Brand's Chicken Essence... wah piangs the taste will still lingered in the mouth for awhile before it's really gone... oh ya and it taste like coffee if is in liquid form.... and i hate coffee... haha... Another reason why i choose this is becos is priced reasonably.... haha... and i think my ah bei needs such supplements
What's BRAND's Says: Helps you lead an energetic lifeIron aids in the transportation of oxygen in red blood cells. Vitamin B Complex (or "anaemic vitamin") contains Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid(this is good for wanna be preggy me) , which are required for the production of haemoglobin. BRAND'S® Essence of Chicken increases iron absorption in our body. This powerful combination helps fight anaemia, reduces fatigue (MY AH BEI needs this) and replenishes lost blood (sounds like me... lost blood alot.. haha... ). .jpg)
Item no 4: Anlene Milk (Low Lactose) High Calcium Non Fat Milk
(Seems like i am allergy to this milk... or rather milk in all... cos my tummy dont feel well after drinking milk.... Went to the super market that day and while choosing which Anlene I realise something ... I am old but I refuse to admit to it... Cos I bought For age 19+ years instead of the Mid 30+ range... Haha... )
WHY I choose Anlene: Cos good for bones ma.... and due to old age my bone start to be alittle mulfuction.... haha... I wake up here pain there pain... haiz.. is old age... wonder how many more years can both me and ah bei grow.....
What ANLENE says: Anlene is a new range of dairy products specially formulated for adults - to help maintain optimal bone strength.
It is 99% fat-free and tastes great.
Anlene has all the goodness of high calcium milk or yoghurt and is enriched with essential bone nutrients, which lock in with Phyto K.
It is 99% fat-free and tastes great.
Anlene has all the goodness of high calcium milk or yoghurt and is enriched with essential bone nutrients, which lock in with Phyto K.
(Started to eat this cos my mummy, friends and colleague says is good for charbos like me who always got cramp here and there... )
WHY I Choose Ocean: Cos bo liao go walk walk at John Little fair and they are the only 1 that has great offer BUY 1 free 1.... (wah, after I finish my last product of the day I realise I am still very Meow Mi about spending money on beauty products.... but got improvement lah.. cos last time i will NEVER spend on it at all.... now is of no choice... spend or ugly... )
What Ocean SayS:
•Maintain healthy skin, nails and hair (I need this cos my hair and nails are horrible :(
•Help women cope better with their monthly cycle (Wah, I super need this loh)
•Relieve joint aches
•Maintain healthy blood lipid level and healthy cardiovascular system
•Maintain healthy skin, nails and hair (I need this cos my hair and nails are horrible :(
•Help women cope better with their monthly cycle (Wah, I super need this loh)
•Relieve joint aches
•Maintain healthy blood lipid level and healthy cardiovascular system
That's all for my beauty spending of the year.... and I bought all these only this year... guess this is how much i am worrying about my age.... I am short and i dont have a choice but i do care about how fast i age :( and importantly my ah bei will always love me even when my skin all grow "crumper crumper" and my pop pop grow with the flow of gravity... Haha... :)