Friday, September 28, 2007

Charges press against

Someone... Somehow.... sometime ago.... spotted spelling error on she spelled Crocs as Cros.... Hahaha.....

My apologies.... should be Crocs.... not Cros.... or Crocodile.... Haha.... At times i think blogging is really good.... i have lotsa nice lau si here to correct my grammar and ang mo.... in time to come i can be a good ang mo teacher oso.... haha....

On the serious note, i really tot Crocs is spell as Cros... didnt really notice till ms pea told me... haha.... I wonder how many times i hv spelled Crocs as Cros... and nobody dares to tell me.... That's why I love people to be candid towards me.... So i can learn and dun malu myself again and again... Haha.... God is great he place nice people ard me to teach me... haha....

Thanks Ms Pea....

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